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Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuro-Informatics

Edited by Nikola Kasabov, 2014

1229 pages



The Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuro-Informatics is the first published book in one volume that explains together the basics and the state-of-the-art of two major science disciplines in their interaction and mutual relationship, namely: information sciences, bioinformatics and neuroinformatics.


Bioinformatics is the area of science which is concerned with the information processes in biology and the development and applications of methods, tools and systems for storing and processing of biological information thus facilitating new knowledge discovery.


Neuroinformatics is the area of science which is concerned with the information processes in biology and the development and applications of methods, tools and systems for storing and processing of biological information thus facilitating new knowledge discovery.


The text contains 62 chapters organized in 12 parts, 6 of them covering topics from information science and bioinformatics, and 6 cover topics from information science and neuroinformatics.


Each chapter consists of three main sections: introduction to the subject area, presentation of methods and advanced and future developments.


The Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuroinformatics can be used as both a textbook and as a reference for postgraduate study and advanced research in these areas.


The target audience includes students, scientists, and practitioners from the areas of information, biological and neurosciences.



With Forewords by:

Prof. Shun-ichi Amari of the Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Saitama Japan



the late Prof. Karlheinz Meier of the University of Heidelberg, Kirchhoff-Institute of Physics and Co-Director of the Human Brain Project.

To order

Click to order the book from Springer's website

Downloads: 350,000+ (10 May 2021)


Dr Joseph J. Grenier,, November, 2014

This is the very best of the encyclopedias and comprehensive book s about both Medical, Molecular, Genetic, and Neural Informatics currently available. The neural coding of populations, single, and arrays up to about 2014. Molecular, RNA, DNA and protein regulation (control) of physiology, theory, and mathematical modeling. First, this is a good textbook for graduate students as a Primer on Neurophysiology and Molecular Medicine. Professionals in these areas will find this book very useful in their daily work and manuscript writings. There is enough mathematics here to make the material comprehensible to students and experts. Bayes Theorem, single spike models, and networks are discussed. The book is very well referenced at the end of each chapter discussion. This shows that informatics is accessible to students and experts alike. I am pleased to recommend this book to new researchers in the field. Several data pages, charts, and algorithms highlight the book and prove useful in the first reading.


Dr Irina Ioana Mohorianu, zbMATH, Vol. 1304, 2015

This handbook is structured in 12 parts, covering a wide variety of notions associated with bio- and neuroinformatics … . The handbook is a valuable and timely resource, which can be used by undergraduates, postgraduates and established researchers. By presenting together a variety of (linked) approaches, it provides a fantastic source for bioinformaticians and neuroinformaticians alike.

Dr M.Doborjeh,

I am a lecturer of the Bioinformatics course at Auckland University of Technology and I have been using this book to prepare the course notes and assignments. The university library have made the full book available online, so students can access its content as a PDF at all time. I have found the Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuro-Informatics really helpful for teaching, as it covers several topics from the basis of molecular biology to advanced machine learning techniques. It is really useful for supporting students during their learning process.

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