Short Course No. 1: Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Network Systems for Explainable and Life-Long Learning
The Ulster University, ISRC - CN3 Autumn School, North Ireland, Oct 2022 Prof N Kasabov ISRC UU
Course organizer: Ulster University
Lecturers: Prof Nikola Kasabov
Reference: N.Kasabov, Time-Space, Spiking Neural Networks and Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence Springer, 2019.
1- Why brain-inspired computation?
How is knowledge represented in the brain?
The challenge is to build AI systems that can learn incrementally and possibly in a life-long learning mode and can be interpreted as knowledge discovery at any phase of their learning.
2- BI-SNN architectures. NeuCube.
What is a BI-SNN architecture?
The NeuCube Architecture
Spike encoding methods
Spiking neuron models for BI-SNN
Methods for unsupervised learning in SNN: Spike-Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP)
Methods for supervised learning in SNN: Rank order (RO) learning rule
Dynamic Evolving SNN (deSNN)
Deep learning in NeuCube
Incremental and transfer learning and knowledge evolution in BI-SNN
Life-long Learning (LLL) in the brain and in NeuCube
Time-Space Rule (TSR) representation in BI-SNN – “opening the cube”
Capturing time-space knowledge as information exchange between clusters
Capturing knowledge representation in a BI-SNN through supervised learning with deSNN
Extracting Time-Space Rules (TSR) from a trained NeuCube using EEG data for the GAL task
NeuCube development environment for SNN system design for TSD
Implementation of SNN models: From von Neumann principles and Atanassov’s ABC Machine to Neuromorphic Hardware
Quantum (or quantum-inspired) computation
Quantum-inspired optimization of eSNN
3- Application specific methods and systems
Deep learning and deep knowledge representation of neuroimaging spatio-temporal brain data
Understanding human decision-making
Understanding brain re-wiring due to mindfulness training using EEG
Brain Machine Interfaces using Brain-Inspired SNN
NeuCube for BCI with neurofeedback for prosthetic hands
BI-SNN for neurorehabilitation
Learning and understanding brain-VR/AR interaction in time-space
Deep learning and deep knowledge representation of fMRI data
Personalized Modelling using both fMRI and DTI data
Deep learning and modelling of audio and visual and multimodal audio-visual data in BI-SNN
Deep learning of visual information
BI-SNN for fast object recognition from video streaming data
Deep learning and knowledge representation of moving objects using DVS and retinotopic mapping in NeuCube
Personalized predictive modelling of individual risk of stroke
Using an ensemble of eSNN for Predicting Hourly Air Pollution in London Area from sensory TSD
Using BI-SNN as universal machines for explainable and life-long learning systems for various spatio/spectro -temporal data
4- Discussions and Future Directions
Advantages, Problems, and limitations of BI-SNN
BI-AI through BI-SNN architectures
Computational Neuro-Genetic Modelling (CNGM)
Knowledge-based human-machine interaction and symbiosis based on deep learning, knowledge representation and knowledge transfer with BI-SNN architectures
Understanding how humans synchronize and transfer knowledge between each other through hyper-scanning and using BI-SNN to model it.