The Second Summer School of the N3BG Group
“Neuroinformatics, Neural networks and Neurocomputers”
(TU-Sofia, 22-23.05.2024; hybrid, onsite and online on Zoom)
The Organisation
Honorary Chairs:
Prof. N Kasabov, LFIEEE, FRSNZ, FINNS (Founding chair N3BG, Prof. AUT NZ and IICT BAS, Advisor TU-Sofia),
Prof. I. Kralov (Rector of TU-Sofia),
Corr. Member BAS Prof. S. Margеnov (Director, IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
Summer School Chair:
Prof. R. Trifonov (TU-Sofia)
Summer School Co-Chairs:
Prof. D. Gotseva (Dean, TU-Sofia),
Prof. P. Koprinkova-Hristova (IICT, BAS),
Prof. I. Jordanov, (U. Portsmouth UK),
Corr. Member BAS Prof. N. Gabrovsky (Institute Pirogov),
Dr. M. Doborjeh (KEDRI AUT NZ).
Organising Committee:
Assoc. Prof. G. Pavlova (Chair),
Assoc. Prof G. Tsochev,
Assoc. Prof. N. Hinov,
Doct. Iman AbouHassan. (TU-Sofia)
TU-Sofia, Campus Darvenitza, Bloc 7, Auditorium 701 and Zoom.
Days: May 22-23, 2024.
Time: BG (Sofia) time - EEST.
Weather: 20°C (expected)
The Program
May 22, Wednesday Morning (9:30 -12:30): Advances in NI, NN and NC
(Chairs: Prof. N. Kasabov and Prof. P. Koprinkova)
9:30-9:45 Welcome address and introduction of the invited speakers.
9:45-10:00 Prof. Danilo Mandich (Imperial College, London), President of INNS, “Introducing the International Neural Network Society (INNS) as a leading world society for the topics of the N3BG.”
10:00-10:30 Prof. Danilo Mandich (Imperial College, London), “Explainability in NN”
10:30-11:00 Prof. Alan Wang (University of Auckland, NZ), “Advances in neuroimaging”
11:00-11:30 Prof. Yusuf Cakmak (University of Otago, NZ), “Advances in Neurotechnology”
11:30-12:00 Prof. Al. Dimitrov (USA), “Advances in neurocomputer chips”
12:00-12:20 A/Prof. G. Momcheva (Inst. Mathematics, BAS), “Design of neural network systems”
12:20-12:30 Short presentations from the audience and discussions.
Lunch break (12:30-14:00)
May 22, Afternoon (14:00 -17:00): The First Joint N3BG/C4BG Symposium: “AI/Neural Network Applications in Finance and Economics (Chairs: Prof. L. Litov (USA), Prof. N. Kasabov, Prof. R. Trifonov, and Doct I. AbouHassan TU-Sofia)
14:00-14:10 Prof. L. Litov (U. Oklahoma, USA), “Introducing the C4BG group (Citizens for Bulgaria) based in USA”
14:10-14:40 Prof. K. McElheran (Canada), Prof. M.J. Yeung, Prof. Brynjolfsson (USA), “Friction at the AI Frontier: What does AI adoption really look like and how has it impacted productivity?”
14:40-15:40 Doct. I. AbouHassan, Profs. N.Kasabov & R.Trifonov (TU-Sofia), “Advanced NN techniques for finance & economics predictive modelling.”
15:40-16:10 Prof. V. Chhaochharia (Univ. of Miami), Prof. A. Kumar (Univ. of Miami), Prof. V. Rantala (Univ. of Miami), and Prof. A. Zhang (FIU), “Artificially Intelligent Analyst Sentiment and Aggregate Market Behavior”
16:10-16:40 Mr. D. Djolev, Profs. M. Lazarova and O. Nakov (TU-Sofia), "Federated Learning on Blockchain for financial prediction and classification."
16:40-17:00 Short presentations from the audience and discussions.
May 23, Thursday, Morning (9:30-12:30): Advanced Applications of AI and NN (Chairs: Prof. R.Trifonov (TU-Sofia) and prof. I. Jordanov (UK))
9:30-10:00 Dr. Z. Doborjeh (AUT, NZ) & Prof. A. Sumich (Nottingham Trend University, UK) “AI in Psychology”.
10:00-10:30 Prof. C. Calude (University of Auckland, NZ), “What can quantum computers do and what they cannot do?”
10:30-11:00 Prof. I. Jordanov (University of Portsmouth, UK), “Applications of deep NN in maternity predictive modelling”
11:00-11:30 Prof. R. Trifonov (TU-Sofia), “AI applications in cybersecurity”
11:30-12:00 Prof. N. Hinov (TU-Sofia), “AI in Electronics”
12:00-12:20 Prof. N. Kasabov, “Evolving associative memories in bio-neuro systems and AI: This is all we need!”
12:20-12:30 Short presentations from the audience and discussions.
Concluding remarks and announcement of next N3BG Summer School 2025.
The Second Summer School of the N3BG Group
(TU-Sofia, 22-23.05.2024; hybrid, onsite and online on Zoom)
The Second Summer School NNN 2024 is a part of TU - Sofia "Science Days 2024". Participation in the Summer School is free for all participants, but they need to register in advance by sending an email to the Organising Chair A/Prof. Galia Pavlova ( and to Doct. Iman AbouHassan ( for inclusion in the N3BG email list for further announcements. All invited speakers from Bulgaria and from overseas are donating their time, efforts and expertise to make this event useful and inspirational for students, academics and practitioners in Bulgaria.
We invite participants to also give a short (e.g. 5 min) presentations along with our invited speakers to inform the BG community about their work. All presentations will be either onsite or on Zoom. Selected presentations will be invited to be included as chapters in an edited volume of the Springer Series on Bio-Neuro Systems ( Some will be invited to the Springer Journal of Evolving Systems (
Presentations will be recorded and uploaded, upon agreement by the presenters, into YouTube. For further information and updates, please contact A/Prof. G. Pavlova and Doct. I. AbouHassan. All information, including the Zoom link for on-line participation, will be available on this website:
Second Summer School on Neuroinformatics,
Neural Networks, and Neurocomputers SS-N3BG 2024
Second Summer School on Neuroinformatics, Neural Networks, and Neurocomputers (N3BG)
TU Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
May 22–23, 2024
Link to a previous event:
The conference will have a panel on
AI/Neural Network Applications
in Finance and Economics.
To submit a paper/presentation,
please contact the organizers:
N.Kasabov (; R.Trifonov (; I.Abouhassan (
Second Bulgarian Council for Economic Analyses Annual Conference
Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
June 24–25, 2024
C4BG; Bulgarian Council for Economic Analyses; European Economic Association Research Committee. Plenary speaker: Virgiliu Midrigan (New York University).
Papers from any field of Economics are welcome. If you would like to present a paper at the conference, please fill out the following Google form by March 1, 2024. Also, please notify the organizers if you would like to serve as a discussant. Acceptance decisions will be made by April 15, 2024. For any additional questions, please contact us at
19th Int'l Conference on AI: Methodology, Systems, Applications
(AIMSA 2024)
Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria
September 18–20, 2024
Programme Committee Chair:
Nikola Kasabov (AUT).
The conference targets innovative methods for the development and implementation of efficient and sustainable AI systems and applications. Submission deadline: May 24, 2024. All participants are requested to pre-register online at:
please contact the organizers: P.Koprinkova (